Many individuals who follow and enjoy my novels have written to me asking various questions about my upcoming novel PREDATORS GAMES.
Well, this video may answer some of your questions ....
Okay - I'm goofing around. Stay tune ... I will be giving some real information. In the meantime, if you have not read THE DEN OF THE ASSASSIN, consider picking up a copy today!
On September 26th, 2012, the day the Jewish people celebrate Yom Kippur, the hate-filled troll known as Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was seen dancing outside of the United Nations after he addressed the world's leaders in the General Assembly (well, he actually addressed those who remained and did not walk out on him).
The troll's view has not changed. In fact, while he has remained in New York and holed himself up at the disgraceful Warwick Hotel ("Boycott the Warwick Hotel"), Ahmadinejad has spoken loud and clear that he anticiaptes a new world order, one with the United States having no voice in it whatsoever, and Isreal not existing.
In reflection, I can't see any other hotel housing this troll the way the Warwick Hotel of New York did. Perhaps it is best that he lay on top of some camel dung.